Restarting Power Bi and Speckle Visual 3D doesn't work


Yesterday, I published my first dashboard of Power Bi and speckle worked well (see figure 1)
However, today, I opened the Power BI and Speckle Visual 3D did not work (Figure 2).
Someone can help me? I just check the proxy and it is disabled.


What PowerBI version are you using? Did you maybe changed the project access to Private? If yes, please changed back to link sharable and click the refresh button on the PowerBI Dashboard.

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Power BI version is 2.131.1203.0 64-bit
My project is Discoverable Acess

Your second figure shows the visual has no values populated for ObjectId, etc.

Right, for some reason, I open the POWER BI, and I cannot add information in those fields.

You can click and select, you can only drag and drop fields to the respective slots.

When I trying to drag and drop in those fields, the information is added in the filtro fields :cold_sweat:

I think because I can’t replicate what is going wrong, I’m not sure what to suggest. If there are any other PowerBI users who might have a clue, please join in the conversation.

Here is a recording about the issue.
I already uninstalled and installed the power and speckle, but I didn’t have sucess

Hello, what version of speckle 3d visual are you using? I mean the one you downloaded from github.

The version is 2.19.0 from github

Something is clearly wrong @JORDANA . Can you please try downgrading to 2.18.0 and see if you are able to reproduce the issue?

I changed from 2.19 to 2.18 version and the issue remains. I opened the dashboard in a particular computer, and I didn’t have problem. It is possível some firewall are causing the issue? My proxy remains disconnected

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We never had such issue and i am unable to reproduce it on my end. It seems something is borked with your Power BI. Can you share a sample file that I can test on my end?

Here is the .pbix file. Need you something else?

Teste.pbix (1.9 MB)

Hi @JORDANA i just opened the file that you shared. The viewer seems to be working perfectly. Refer the picture below :

Try to close the PBI files and try open again. Or maybe cause of internet connection?

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