Remove DEM from Power BI

I have created a raster of a surface with its elevations from QGIS and sent it to Speckle as you can see in image 01

In speckle you can see two elements: one is the heights and the other is the texture of the surface with its colors… so far so good. it even looks very good

The query is: can I somehow remove the height image that appears when I send it to Power BI. (I mean what is selected with the red circle in image 03).
I have tried to hide it since when I put some solid element like a road referenced in the image, it does not look good with the additional DEM.
Comes as a single item from Speckle and cannot be hidden in Power BI

Easy - just don’t select it when sending from QGIS:

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Excellent result. speckle is the best. I have been excavating the surface to then place a solid and it gives good results. visualization in Power BI.
Ma I’m going to give some time this weekend to upload a video on linkedin for my friends


Great to hear! Looking forward to see the results! :star_struck:

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That’s looking promissing @Alexander2024 !

We love linkedin (perhaps you’ve noticed) but we love Speckle Community Showcase just as much :smiley:

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