Reading Shared Parameter Problems

Hi All Speckle users,

Appreciate for your kind attention prior to my problems on extracting shared parameter from speckle to Power BI.

Below is the description of the issues:

What I want: I want to retrieve information of Manufacturer of Electrical Equipment. The parameter was created using project parameter and store inside shared parameter.

Problems that I am facing:

After doing a thorough study on the data inside speckle, those data were nested and store in below path,

I have difficulty in retrieving the data based on the below custom column formula,


Appreciate for your advice on the resolution.

@Akmal_Zolkepli good question, it’s not obvious that Revit stores custom parameters behind a ID to cope with potential clashes caused by same name parameters.

Fortunately, as others have discovered on this forum we have a solution for you.

We added ToNameValueRecord function in the Speckle namespace to make interactions with Revit parameters much simpler. This function simplifies the extraction and transformation of parameter data by converting the complex parameter records into a more accessible format.

This function lives under: Speckle.Revit.Parameters.ToNameValueRecord

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Yeah got it ! Problems solved :slight_smile:

You made my day
