Question: failed to convert due to unexpected error. The unit system none is unsupported

Thank you for seeking help! Our friendly community is here to assist you. :pray:

To assist you better, please consider providing:

  • Objective: What are you trying to achieve, *Importing cad blocks in to revit as families"

  • Issue: failed to convert due to unexpected error. The unit system none is unsupported.

  • Example: failed to convert due to unexpected error. The unit system none is unsupported.

  • Speckle link: What better way to share data than using Speckle?

  • Logs: If the issue regards our desktop connectors, please share the relevant logs you find under: %appdata%/Speckle/Logs

Hey @Siva.Machineni

Where were the CAD blocks published to Speckle from?

Thankyou @Siva.Machineni for sharing the source project with me - I see it confirms the data is coming from AutoCAD.

I can raise a ticket for this to be checked and addressed. Depending on if it is a failure to define units from AutoCAD or a failure on the Revit connector to handle no units being present will determine where the action lies.

I’ll report back when we have an implementation to test.

Hi Jonathon, Thanks for your quick reply and jumping n to my issue. Yes it was imported from Autocad. I want to convert that 3d block of Street light to Revit family. I am just testing, how the tool works.

Yes, and apologies that your first experience wasn’t a great one.

We’ll look into it

@Siva.Machineni as an update to your reported issue.

Autocad, in this instance, is not setting the units of the blocks that are then (not) received in Revit.

We have registered a development ticket to A) determine if the blocks should have units set and/or b) Revit to handle unitless blocks more gracefully.