Projects on Speckle To Use on Power BI Conector

Hello, I need help to solve this problem.

I have some projects that are loading for almost a day and have end.

How can I change this status or is there something that I can provide to fix?

Hi @Planejamento_Inusa ,

It would help us a lot if you could share these files with us, I just invited you to a Google Drive folder.
We’re rewriting from scratch the IFC uploader and will soon be fastrer and more stable.


I just share with you the files. Thanks.

Hello @teocomi ,

Is there solution for this question?

@Planejamento_Inusa, I’m checking this now. Your files were shared as Matteo jumped on a plane to New York.

Upload worked fine - I’ll check in a bit how import went.

Thanks @jonathon by the answer.

We in INUSA are so excited to see this resolution for our problem. It will be a start for a revolution here.

In the meantime, you can try other applications that import IFC files, such as Navisworks, SketchUp, Archicad, and more. You can then publish to Speckle from there.

This upload succeeded and parsed successfully.