Project Pulse: Public Geotech & 3D GIS Data → Optimal Tunnel Path with AI

Hi, I’m Joost (yes, from the Netherlands as my name suggests :slight_smile: )

I work for Arup in Hong Kong as a Computational Design and Geotechnical Engineer. I apply computational design to geotechnical work on projects. Speckle is one of my favourite tools. I love Speckle’s data interoperability concept, the beautiful and intuitive visualizations, and the fact that it’s all open source :star_struck:

I’ll be participating in the Speckle hackathon from Zürich with @martijn_v_blijswijk who works as Computational Designer @ Amberg Engineering (Swiss tunnel engineering firm). We’re thinking of modelling the subsurface and existing foundations and underground infrastructure based on publicly available geotechnical and 3D GIS data. Subsequently, we want to find the optimal path for a new tunnel with buzz buzz buzz AI :sparkles:

If you’re interested in joining - in person in Zürich or online - let us know!


@JoostGevaert Thank you very much for introducing our hackathon idea! :slight_smile:

Looking forward to work with the team live in Zürich and online! Please feel free to send a message if interested in this working on this idea :sunglasses:


Hello hello everyone!
I’m Arda from Turkey, a recent ETH MSc Computer Science graduate. I will be working on this idea together with Joost and Martijn from Zurich. Very excited to join the hackathon! :v:


Hi everyone!

I am Andrei from Canada. I am an undergrad student in Software Engineering. I am very excited to join the team and the hackathon!


Hi everyone!

I’m James :slight_smile:

I work as a software developer at Arup and previousy worked as a data scientist. I work side by side with geotech engineers to build software solutions to problems in the ground engineering space.

I’m excited for this hackathon and working with the team in Zurich!


Hey, team tunnel, are we in stealth mode? Is everything going ok?

Feel free to share here or anywhere you like with #beyondthespeckleverse tag. Quite excited by this one!