Project Base or Survay Base not working correctly when exporting from Revit

Hi all,

I’m having problems with the reference point when exporting from Revit to Speckle.

I have different buildings and different files and exported them individualy to Speckle. They are all correctly georeferenced (test them in a federated model in Revit and Trimble Connect). For speckle I tried with the project base reference and with the survay reference, and the buildings are in the same place inside speckle.

Anyone knows what is happening?

PS: I tried with the old revit plugin and with the Beta.

Hey @MiguelFrazao if you selected the the right options on export then it might be a bug in the connector.

Would you be able to send us a DM with the source models (dropbox, drive…) and some steps to reproduce the problem?

Hi @teocomi, after reinstall the plugin for Revit, the models started to export correctly to Speckle with the correct reference.

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That’s great to hear it worked out @MiguelFrazao - please reach out anytime it happens again - it really shouldn’t, so keep us busy and informed.
