PowerBI Published Report

This is quite strange… I have your original report from a couple weeks ago so let me give that a shot with the new viewer and see if I get some clarity out of it

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I need to reinvite you to the model … will send it to you soon

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:man_bowing:t3: I think I found the issue… it seems we didn’t setup the new DataView properly (was changed from Categorical to Matrix) and it was ignoring our 30k raised limit.

I’m going to triple check this and if so, will push a fix ASAP


This should do the trick now :wink:

Tested both alpha7 and alpha8 with a +5000k row table and alpha8 no longer has the limit warning :wink:

As a bonus, the visualisation of shadows has been fixed so your models should now look pretty even in shady areas! :smiley:


That was exactly it … nice nice :slight_smile: … loading time is also quite good for such a large building. I believe all your last updates brought it a big step forward toward a stable release. The language issue I was not able to test yet, but the English PowerBI version works like a charm. Thanks for your support on it.



Yep, I believe we’re pretty close to having a stable PowerBI reporting experience, there are just some minor UX things we need to polish, and allow for some extra configuration and overriding of our defaults.

As always, thank you very much for your efforts! :raised_hands:t3: It’s super helpful to receive so much feedback :smiley:


Hi @AlanRynne ,
Amazing job for getting this!! :grinning:
I’ve just been trying out the alpha 8 version but having some issues. I’m new to this and Speckle so maybe I’m not loading the right stuff. What is meant to go in “Commit Object ID”? - I’ve got the “Stream URL” and “Object ID” clear from my Rhino Speckle input but not sure about this “Commit Object ID”. I ended up putting a copy of Commit Object ID and it seems to load everything well (first image), and the first filter I do also works (second image), but then it gets stuck and I cannot un-filter / filter something else (third image).
I’ve tried alpha 5 version and it works better although I don’t get the “graying out” of unfiltered model (4th image).
What am I doing wrong?

Hi there @GauthierStiegler

I think you need to also update your Speckle PowerBI Data Connector to the latest version and re-fetch the query. If you’re doing your report on PowerBI.com, you’ll also need to publish it there once re-fetched.

You’ll find the Commit Object Id column once you’ve upgraded :raised_hands:t3:

Thank you so much! All good now :grinning:



Would love to see a quick gif of that report once it’s fully working :heart:

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The language issue vs. Filtering is gone too. It works pretty fine even with the German language setting.
On my iPhone, it still doesn’t manage to load the whole thing, but this is also an issue for the majority of the bigger Speckle models … probably more an issue of the hardware limitations.
From my personal MacBook Air (published Webreport) and my office Windows Workstation (Webreport+Desktop) it loads crazy fast and also with the colors.


iOS seems very protective of its battery life/general speed and hard aborts around memory limits.


Slight correction … somehow it did not load the latest report when I tested it initially on my iPhone.
Now it does somehow. After the brief initial loading, it reacts quite well to changes of the visuals. And this is a little highrise with lots of timber beams we have here on this tiny screen :sunglasses:. Thanks, guys.