PowerBI Data loss

Hello team, I am working on PowerBI integration with Revit model and show some reports on it.
The query I have here is when i send my 3D model data from Revit to Speckle i can see the required parameters in the Speckle browser but when i get the same 3D model data in PowerBI, I am not able to see the parameters I need for the report.

I have created a similar reports earlier with same kind of project instance parameter in Revit but this time it is not working, can someone help me out? I’ve presented it to my organization they liked the idea and gave me few more requirements but yet I’m not able to start because of this :upside_down_face:

Hey @Irrfaan ,

Is that a custom parameter? If so, I suggest using Speckle.Revit.Parameters.ToNameValueRecord() to extract the parameter names and their corresponding values. You can find a tutorial on how to do this.

It is worth noting that custom parameters in Revit are stored by their unique ID rather than their names. This is due to the fact that Revit allows multiple parameters to have the same name. As a result, we are using the unique IDs of these parameters, which are just a bunch of numbers and texts.

If the above solution doesn’t work, could you please share the URL of the Speckle model with me? This will allow me to reproduce the issue and investigate it further.

hi @gokermu i did follow the same process as you mentioned in the video it did work well earlier for other file and not this.

URL FYR : Speckle

Hey @Irrfaan ,

I accessed the Procube Element ID parameter and values using the tutorial’s methods. Can you confirm all steps were followed?