Power BI doesn't show the GUID from the IFC

I’ve added two IFC’s to the speckle platform and can visualize them both in the project.
When I click on an object I see the data that I’m looking for. I would like all of the info in Power BI, but the most important is the GUID.

But when I open the link in Power Bi I cannot find the GUID or any of the other data. (Pset etc.)
It is probably I how am doing something wrong. Can anybody help?

I’m getting the data by uploading IFC to Speckle, then gathering it in Power BI through the Speckle Power BI plugin.

All the data is in PowerBI but may need to be joined from one object to another if it is from a detached child object. The Speckle viewer knows a lot more about graph data than PowerBI, which understands table operations.

Can you share the project URL with us and we can demonstrate how to get the data you see in Speckle viewer across in PowerBI. If, instead, the JOINs hint is enough, this will be the route.

If the data weren’t available in Speckle it would be a different check.

the URL is: dRofus demo project | Speckle
Sorry the JOINs hint is not enough…

Hey @thomas1,

I just had a look at your project and can confirm that the GlobalId GUID is there; you just need to access it correctly.

You need to create a new custom column. The GlobalId is inside the record in the data column, so you need to type =[data][GlobalId].

As you can see, there are many errors coming from Object.Geometry.Mesh, and that’s because it is a detached item that holds purely information about the geometry (number of faces, render material, etc.). You can simply duplicate the table and filter them out, or just simple delete them.

Strongly recommend watching this tutorial and the rest of the series:

If you have more questions, please let us know.


Thank you so much for taking the time!
Maan I tried this I just didn’t know that PBi was case sensitive when working with custom columns.

Again, thank you.


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