OpenRoads connector doesn't work. is some one from ARUP here?

Hi everyone,
I installed the ORD connector, in the speckle ribbon is missing.
I’m using ORD CE - 2021 release 2 update 10 version

Does someone here uses the ORD connector with a recent version of ORD?
alternatively, is someone from ARUP here, and can tell me if the firm still uses their developed plugin?

Thank you for any help you can offer!

I have succeeded loading the ORD speckle connector by copying the config file Speckle2OpenRoads.cfg after the installation, from
C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenRoads Designer CE 10.10\Configuration\Organization
C:\Program Files\Bentley\OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition\OpenRoadsDesigner\config\appl

beware, that currently the connector does not stream corridors geometry as solid objects, just hollow meshes. which is not sufficient for my need.

Good luck

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Excellent, thank you for pursuing the issue. By solid objects, where are you consuming the OpenRoads data?

Hollow mesh is definitely the fallback display mode for all Speckle geometry, but I’m unfamiliar with OR, how it authors geometry or how the Connector translates that.


I wasnt aware of it. Canit be changed?

Could you share an example Version Commit? We don’t have OR to recreate, but can look at the details it produces.

Another problem : there are meshes created where there is no geometry in the original model.


We have alerted our Arup contacts to your thread.

Hi @Avi_Ash.

The build doesn’t target the 2021 release, but I’m glad to see you found a workaround. Additional context was previously provided here.

I’ll PM you to chat a bit more.

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