I have a stream with a lot of branches (18 or 52 on the ones I tested), but when I use the Stream Details component I only get the firs 10 of them. I tried it both on the xyz server, and our own one. I even tried with SpecklePy, but the result is the same. Do you know how to list all of them?
Hi @reka, yes this is correct. the GH nodes use the standard API interface which does limit lists of stream data to 10. A fellow community member @cgburgos reported it and in response worked up their own node that grabs more. Extending that to allow for an input would be trivial enough.
thanks for the quick responze, I was able to solve it finally. It wasn’t an easy ride though. Could you please release a full API documentation someday?
I will include it here for anyone with the same problem.
One more trick, for those who prefer to use python: the PythonScrypt component shipped with Grasshopper cannot use specklepy, since it uses IronPython (2.7). You have to use GH_CPython.