And there it states there is no automatic mechanism and it is indeed appropriate to adjust the docker-compose file:
We recommend first backing up your data prior to modifying or updating the server. You can find instructions on how to do that here.
Connect to Your Server: SSH into the virtual machine (VM) where your Speckle server is running.
Navigate to the Docker Compose Directory:
cd /path/to/your/docker-compose-folder
Stop and Take Down the Current Stack:
docker compose down
This will stop and remove the current containers.
Check for Changes in the Documentation: Review any updates or changes in the Speckle documentation and update your docker-compose.yml file if necessary. If there are no changes, you can skip this step.
Pull the Latest Images:
docker compose pull
This command will download the latest Docker images based on the tags specified in your docker-compose.yml.
Update the Image Tag if Needed: If you need to specify a particular version (for instance, 2.20.2), make sure the image tag in your docker-compose.yml reflects this version:
image: speckle/server:LATEST_VERSION_RELEASE
Restart the Server Stack:
docker compose up -d
This will start the server stack in detached mode, running the latest images.
NB The documentation page has a full docker-compse description, new server versions maybe associated with new FLAG settings to check at the same time
Thank you Jonathon! There are several Speckle services with their own image. Would that mean that the tags need to be idential for all the services - image: speckle/speckle-docker-compose-ingress:2 (speckle-ingress)
image: speckle/speckle-frontend-2:2 (speckle-frontend)
image: speckle/speckle-server:2 (speckle-server)
image: speckle/speckle-preview-service:2 (speckle preview service)
image: speckle/speckle-webhook-service:2 (speckle-webhook service)
image: speckle/speckle-fileimport-service:2 (speckle-fileimport service)