No version of Speckle connector is working in Rhino 8.1.23325

Can any one help me with the solution to how to run Speckle in Rhino 8? I am trying Speckle connector 2.19.1 and all other WIP versions too…also tried changing the dotnet core/framework/default in Rhino 8…nothing worked…I am using Rhino Version 8 SR1 (8.1.23325.13001, 2023-11-21)
I am getting a blank screen like below

Hi @Sowmya, you’ll need at minimum the Rhino 8.3 patch release from earlier this year - versions before Rhino 8.3 came with some dependencies that conflict with ours.


Hopefully the explanatory note we posted in the MM channel has helped you here.

Hi @jonathon. Can you point me to the explanatory notes?
I am having trouble with Speckle v2.19.3 being installed on Rhino Version 8 SR9
(8.9.24194.18121, 2024-07-12)

Any help appreciated…

@daniel-fink The explanation for @Sowmya was because their organisation has a policy to remove .NET7 which Rhino8 requires but can be managed with the dotnetruntime setting

If this holds true for you I can share the note.

@jonathon Thanks. I didn’t catch that the Speckle Plugin requires you to specify .NET Core for Rhino 8’s SetDotNetRuntime. Somehow mine was set to .Net Framework. Can this requirement be noted somewhere in the docs/install instructions?

Hi Daniel! I have figured out a way to fix everything in this topic…first of all you need to install something above Rhino 8.3…get to cmd=>regedit=>HKEY_CURRENT_USER=>SOFTWARE=>McNeel=>Rhinoceros=>8.0=>Global Options=>Right click=> New=>String Value=>Set name to “DotNetRuntime”=>input text “netfx” and press “OK”
You are done…Rhino will startup with dot net at Runtime…Speckle with run in dot net core

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Thanks @Sowmya I’ll definitely check out what that registry edit is doing.

I overlooked @daniel-fink ’s version. Yes please upgrade to 8.3 earlier versions if Rhino8 did not enable some of the inner workings that Speckle needs.

However, in terms of recommending .net core for the runtime, we could do this, however that is the normal default for Rhino8, so we’ll do so in a way that it isn’t listed as a step that everyone must do.

Running Rhino8 net framework was a workaround to get Speckle for Rhino v7 working in Rhino8 while we awaited 8.3. It is strongly advised in McNeels support pages that you (and by implication plugin devs) don’t do this. I’ve tried and the performance of Rhino8 in this runtime is significantly worse.

If you happen to remove NET7 from your systems though, this workaround is currently your only option.

The error message on plugin load failure is very vague. Maybe there is a way to check for the runtime and post the instructions to change it in the error message reported back to the user?

It’s a good idea - sometimes there is a point when the add on not loading happens before we can execute anything. Nevertheless I will definitely raise this.

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