For the last few months, our team has been hard at work crafting the next version of Speckle connectors. So far, we’ve integrated:
As we continue to expand our ecosystem, we’re looking at potential new additions. Here’s where we need your insights! Our current candidates for the next integration are:
We believe in the power of community suggestions! What app do you think should join the next-gen family next?
In the perspective of new VisualARQ 3, the possibility to expand and integrate Rhino - Speckle connector functions with VA data it would be a great thing.
Thank you
Hi @gokermu,
I have already highlighted this issue in the past.
VisulARQ is able to provide BIM oriented native components (also rhino geometry) that they can populate of data informations as parameters and attributes. But if you open the 3D models in Speckle this informations data, they are not imported (for e.g. Ifc type, dimension and quantity parameters, custom attribute and so on). It would be really great to have it.
Thank you again
Any assembly modeler (SolidWorks, Inventor, etc.). AEC is desperately lacking tools to connect design to fabrication/manufacturing. See Autodesk “Informed Design” is maybe the closest idea out there currently.
Have a low LOD model in Revit of a building element (say a metal balcony, or stair, facade panel, etc.), then have the ability to push that into SW. Use could then detail the object in SW, then push the high LOD model back into Revit for coordination. Basically facilitating a design → fabrication workflow.