This question is related to the ArcGIS Next-Gen connector (DUI3 | Next-Gen Connector Announcement, Next-Gen Connectors | What app we should add next?)
Nothing gets send to Speckle, because I’m getting the error: “Value cannot be null.” even though I have a layer selected that contains lots of data:
I’d be happy to share the ArcGIS Project with symbology and underlying GeoPackage that contains the actual GIS data if you’d tell me how to most easily do that. Is there a handy way of packaging an ArcGIS project + data?
Please also let me know how I can get to the underlying error traceback, such that we can resolve this issue together 
Oh no! Where is your project stored? Is it a non-writeable location like Google Drive or something?
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Ah, maybe that’s the problem?!?
I do use this “Mirror files” option though:
Which means that my ArcGIS project is in this location, and not on some network drive P: or R: or something like that:
C:\Users\me\GoogleDrive\Bedrock\Case Studies\KaiTak\GIS\KaiTak.aprx
This KaiTak.aprx ArcGIS project then connects to a GeoPackage which I have stored here:
So everything is just on my C: drive, right?
Aha. This is definitely the issue. Good news, I solved it recently and we will make a new release today, I’ll ping you when it’s out!
Thanks once again for the always amazing help!
speckle-releases beta 208 should fix the issue 
Awesome, worked indeed!,ffdcc8e820
Did get this message, which I didn’t really understand very well:
Maybe change the wording a bit so it’s clearer what the problem / warning is?
Thanks! Found the issue - solution will be in the new release
If you need colors right now, they should be working for MultiPoint type of layers
Fantastic! Next release is fine 
I’ll let you know if I find any other bugs or other stuff.
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