New Connector Request - Vectorworks

Does Speckle integrate with VectorWorks?


Hi @machiel, unfortunately not. It’s also the first time it’s been requested! I’ve used vectorworks a lot in a past life as an architect, can’t say i was a big fan as a user - but that’s not the point :slight_smile:

We’ll look into it, and let’s hope there will be more voices asking for it (helps with the prioritisation of our tasks)!

I agree, it’s not been the most widely discussed software I’ve dealt with when talking to our clients.
I was more asking on a curiosity level to see if there will be something a long that line of integration as I can see the potential of VectorWorks as a design tool (like grasshopper & rhino or even sketchup) and transferring the 3D geometry to relevant Revit families for documentation.

FYI, this isn’t a high priority item so you don’t have to push this type of integration.

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Hi, I’m a Vectorworks user and I’m discovering Speckle just since a few days. Still, it looks very promising to me and I think the ability to use it with/from Vectorworks would be really interesting!


Count me in for Vectorworks too.

You have already covered many of the major CAD/BIM systems amont the connectors, but Vectorworks seems to be missing for now.

Yes that would be great.

But it looks like VW (as well as Bricscad) aren’t interested at all in
offering any Speckle Support.

I learned that at least for VW there was a Speckle support approach
by a “community”. But if I got that correct, struggling heavily with
VW’s APIs.


Climate change ?

Hi there,
are they any news about Vectorworks? In Switzerland a lot of interior designer are using vectorworks;)

When there’s something to share, we will do so !!!

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Vectorworks should be far, far, far easier to connect than Archicad. It is easy to implement plug-ins in VW in a number of languages, from C++, through Python to old fashioned Pascal. There is nearly boundless access to all its features, even using scripting only (Python).

I originally come from Vectorworks, but moved to Revit and Archicad.

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Nice to read from you here.
And thanks for supporting the VW Connector request.

Ciao Zoomer, nice to meet you again :slight_smile:
I can now really compare these three CADs, Revit, Archicad and Vectorworks.
VW is by far the one with the friendliest customisation core, I’ll dare say it’s quite the unknown masterpiece. This has been the case since the old Minicad days and is even more so today (and there is unfortunately a huge discrepancy between what VW could do and what it actually does, but that is not the topic here).


Ciao C

Well, so far I had another vision of VW’s Connector “friendlyness”
from this threads history.

But your insight and following lets me hope :

In the best case a Connector is still in the works and just did not manage to come with VW 2025 initial release.


I can’t imagine that it’s more difficult than Archicad, whose Python support is close to 0.
Get Vlado into this. I am out since 2020, otherwise I would ask him.
If you people manage to achieve the VW Connector, I would love to test it.

Through a truly magical convergence of circumstances I just became BIM Manager in an office where we use Revit, Vectorworks and Archicad. I can see really plenty of things I could do.

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I would also be very happy to test it.
We use Vectorworks and have done coordination with Revizto. They have a working plugin for Vectorworks.

I am a BIM modeler and coordinator in the areas of architecture, garden landscape architecture, rainwater management and work with various companies for which I cover the BIM area.
My partners often work with Vectorworks, especially in the area of ​​garden landscape architecture.
I would very much welcome these partners to be included in the Speckle universe.
So let’s be clear: please build a connector for Vectorworks.