My Speckle hub looks different then others

I’ve watched some tutorials with the web interface of Speckle and on a few of them it looks completely different then what I have. Did anyone notice this?


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What do you mean by completely different? Can you please share screenshots?

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Hey @HNTB_BLG just picking this up.

We are assuming you are referring to the difference between:


and this:


and this:

Depending on which URL you are visiting Speckle with, you are seeing the legacy frontend ( and the next generation frontend or FE2 (

As the new frontend experience becomes more mature, we will update much of our documentation and tutorial material. From now on, most of the content we publish on YouTube will be with the newer experience.


@jonathon that is it and thank you for the response. I’ll try the FE2 link moving forward.

Thank you again!