Model loading too late

Hello. I have no problems loading my model with 1100 objects, but when loading my model with 1800 objects, I wait almost half an hour for the viewer to work. Would you help me with this topic ? There is no problem with my internet infrastructure.

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Based on your other suggestion posts I presume this is Revit data in Speckle?

It is always helpful to us to help you if you can share a stream with us to diagnose what possible issues are at play.

I sent direct message.

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If you intend to have your model used in PowerBI, we could break down what is helpful for that workflow.

Rather than “Send Everything”, which includes all the attached DWGs and Analytical models, let’s break down what you want to report on and send those elements/categories.

The high-density triangulation of those curved elements is definitely causing the model to be large. Still, if the Model can be viewed in the browser, it should also be visible in PowerBI. It is unclear what memory management the embedded browser in PowerBI is performing.

Also, @erayalkan, you have elements included that are quite far outside the bounds of the rest of the geometry, this isn’t a problem per see, but you will have a worse experience on zooming and rotating

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I just tried receiving it and it took around 3 minutes on my end.