Load projects in from Qgis to Revit by Shared Coordinates


Is there a way to “receive” models in revit from its shared coordinates?
I have been using QGIS to create models then apply offset to send to Rhino, then i link the rhino file back to revit by its internal origin.
However, is there a way i can just load the layers data sent from QGIS directly to Revit for its shared coordinates? assuming the project base point is already acquired coordinates from a geo-referenced file with the same projection ESPG number. it should be able to load the content sent from QGIS without any offset to be in the right place in Revit?

There are options for receiving in Revit. A lot will depend on how the coordinates are set up in the Revit file, but…


I have successfully referenced the survey point when inserting Navisworks geometry, which is georeferenced (cartesian). Have you tried this?