Linked Model Send Error

Good Morning,

I am trying to send some linked model elements from a view to the Speckle viewer, but when I select the checkbox to “Send Linked Models” and try to send the view, this error gets thrown:


Method GetSelectionFilterObjects threw an error of type Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.ArgumentException. Reason: viewId is not a view.
Parameter name: viewId

Any ideas on what I’m missing?

Hey Bowen, this is a known issue we’re addressing in the coming release.

Quick question for you:

When sending linked models from a view, what is the desired outcome? Are you filtering in/out specific model categories or entire Linked models maybe?

I am filtering out by phases. In this instance, I only want to show the completed phase


The good news is that this will work if you are on Revit 2024 (or higher), the bad news is that in older versions there is no way from the API to get the visibility of objects inside linked models.

I found here a hacky solution, that we might try at some point, but it doesn’t seem to be 100% safe, as it requires unloading linked models, adding a clone of the current view, and reloading them (and ofc undoing the changes), which seems a bit risky.

Cc @Pavol

@bowen_utahbim I also just realized that for your specifc use case, you can actually use a Filter selection filter, and have that get only the phase you’re interested in:

@teocomi I will have to give that a try! But you are saying that in 2024 onward, it should work fine?

Yes, but please note that this feature will included in the coming 2.16 release (due approx 2-3 weeks from now).

Hi Matteo, we are still experiencing this error for a similar problem where sending views with links produces the error above. We are on Revit 2024 and speckle connector 2.20.2, any ideas?

Hi @brittany_mark, welcome to Speckle.

Is it precisely the same error?


Same here @jonathon

speckle linked issue

@martinromby @brittany_mark

Are these linked models by any chance stored in ACC/BIM360? If so, that’s a known limitation.

Hi Matteo,

I’m currently experiencing a similar issue in Revit 2024.2 using Speckle Connector v2.21.
Sending a view with the “send linked models” option active results in the following error:


I’m using a locally workshared model, so no ACC/BIM360 is involved.

Our use case for sending linked models is that we have three separate buildings in the project, each with its own architectural / facade / furniture model. Sending linked models would allow us to reduce the number of models to be updated from 9 to 3.
The reason why I personally prefer sending a view instead of the entire model is that typically, the model space includes a bunch of temporary / helper objects that should not be visible in a presentation environment. (This is also the usual workflow for offices to export IFC files to send to clients / specialists / subcontractors.)

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Thanks for the report @hwollersheim, would you be able to share a sample model(s)?

Better linked models support will be tackled as part of next-gen connectors (v3).