I have just installed Speckle with the ArcGIS Connector, but the Speckle toolbox did not show up as expected, even though the Python environment cloned correctly. After manually adding the toolbox to ArcGIS Pro 3.3.1 and investigating further, the Import modules listed in the base speckle_arcgis.py do not match the modules present in the two speckle site package folders, speckle_toolbox and specklepy.
I tried manually correcting the paths, eg there was no specklepy.core.api folder, but the referenced modules are all in the specklepy.api folder instead. I had to give up, though, as some modules like the GIS one shown below do not exist at all in the referenced module:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 4, in
File “C:\Users<me>\AppData\Local\ESRI\conda\envs\arcgispro-py3-speckle\Lib\site-packages\speckle_toolbox\esri\toolboxes\speckle\speckle\speckle_arcgis.py”, line 55, in
from speckle.speckle.plugin_utils.object_utils import callback, traverseObject
File “C:\Users<me>\AppData\Local\ESRI\conda\envs\arcgispro-py3-speckle\Lib\site-packages\speckle_toolbox\esri\toolboxes\speckle\speckle\plugin_utils\object_utils.py”, line 8, in
from specklepy.objects.GIS.layers import VectorLayer, RasterLayer, Layer
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘specklepy.objects.GIS’
Hi Kateryna, I’ve downloaded and installed the beta ArcGIS Connector, but all it does is install the Speckle Addin to ArcGIS Pro - it doesn’t update or install the speckletoolbox python libraries, which are still at v2.18 and which contain mismatches between the toolbox scripts and the installed python libraries.
Hi @davemcp ! You are right, the new connector is written in C# and doesn’t affect the Python setup, you can even go ahead and switch ArcGIS Pro back to the default Python environment
Also looking forward to your feedback bout the new connector! NEW Connectors Open Beta - #8 by dimitrie
I can see both my selected ArcGIS layers and Speckle models in the ArcGIS Connector, but trying to Publish the former and Load the latter fails with dependency errors: Dependency error resolving Speckle.Connectors.Utils.Operations.SendOperation`1[ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.MapMember] within UnitOfWorkFactory
Load error is similar: Dependency error resolving Speckle.Connectors.Utils.Operations.ReceiveOperation within UnitOfWorkFactory
The publish error has a full stack trace which I won’t copy here, but can provide if it’s of any use.
I am also playing with projects on both my company’s and the default Speckle servers. If my Manager has the default server set to the company one, the project is listed as Private. Does this imply that projects for the beta connectors should reside on the public Speckle server?
Simple polygon layer with 1 feature selected from a Map
See screenshot
Not really an issue as this is the stream info from python, showing the accessibility of loaded projects, one of which was shared privately by the owner:
[Stream( id: db1b38af61, name: Anglesea Aurecon, description: , isPublic: True),
Stream( id: 3b7b7a2060, name: REAL-Test-Project, description: , isPublic: False),
Stream( id: 94eb3517e8, name: Dave’s First Project, description: Welcome to Speckle! This is your sample project, designed by Beijia Gu - feel free to do whatever you want with it!, isPublic: True)]