Is there a way to add hotpots to a speckle model, similar to matterport's notes?

I was wondering if there is a way to add a hotspot with a popup that would display information or HTML markup similar to what can be done with Matterport. I see that there are comments but this would contain images and formated text. Ideally its something I could store in the speckle object so I could write the HTML code in grasshopper when I publish the model.

Unfortunately this is not something that Speckle offers out of the box - but our viewer is open source and getting better day by day, so feel free to customize it to your needs!

That’s a cool idea. The previous iteration of the embedded viewer had a slideshow mechanism (that few people used) that navigated from comment to comment, and comments continue to work this way.

We recently discussed comment-less saved viewpoints, so a pinned view could work similarly. Let’s keep this in mind!