Is it possible to use speckle in power Bi RS?

Can Speckle be used to display the 3D view model in the Power Bi RS, or can it be used only for the
Power Bi desktop version?

Hi Hadi,

At the moment it can only be used in Power BI Desktop.

Here you can find the PowerBI documentation.

Thank you

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Hey @hnouri,

Just to follow up on this, technically you should be able to use Power BI RS.
If you can give it a try it would be amazing. Let us know how it goes.

Thank you.

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Thank you Sir
I haven’t done anything about the transfer from Speckle to the Power BI, in fact, at the beginning because I had already transferred the graphical project from Revit and Speckle to Power BI and I had managed to create a dashboard containing management information along with a 3D model for
project and company managers to prepare and present it, but due to the time lag of displaying the model in Power BI, it occurred to me whether it is possible to use the RS version so that the display and loading process can be done fast.

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For now, @hnouri, there will be no advantage to the 3d viewer as it relies on its own internet connection for model data. The Data Connector will cache retrieved data and so will gain any advantage that the RS offers to any data cache.

We are investigating whether the Data Connector can push geometry into the viewer, in which case all options for working with cached data will improve matters. But this is an experiment not yet implemented.

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Thank you so much for your quick and complete reply.
I hope we will soon see the development and addition of new features for Speckle.

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