Introduce yourself 🙆

:wave: to Speckle Community

My name is Ian and I’m joining Speckle as Tech Lead/Engineering Manager for the Connectors team. Delighted to be joining this fabulous group of Specklers both within Speckle and within the wider community.

I have a long history of software engineering, starting back when I received a ZX Spectrum, around 10 years of age. During my journey, leading me here to Speckle, I’ve worked in a number of industries, including over 5 years working at Autodesk on Navisworks, both desktop and later in the cloud. I can appreciate some of the AEC pain points from that past life on Navisworks and when I saw Speckle, I thought it was an amazing initiative to democratise 3D and BIM data and couldn’t be happier to be part of Speckle’s future.

I am super keen to hear what everyone is achieving with Speckle and how best we, particularly within connectors, can unlock new workflows and add value.

When I am not Speckling, I can be found noodling around on some personal Indie game dev projects, pottering on my allotment, cuddling with one of our three cats or spending time with my good lady and our two girls.

Here we are checking out a bit of ancient architecture recently… (Acropolis, Rhodes)


Hello everyone,
I’m Abdul Kareem Elsabeeh, Abdul Kareem is my first name, a Senior Digital Practice Specialist, specialized in BIM and Electrical Engineering. My extensive career spans across the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sectors, where I have effectively harnessed digital practices to drive innovation and excellence.

Within Dar Al Handasah, I hold a pivotal role where I am entrusted with defining and implementing the standards, strategies, and overall direction for the adoption of cutting-edge technologies that underpin the firm’s multidisciplinary endeavors.

I am a key member of an exclusive unit of digital practice leaders, collaboratively shaping digital strategies and workflows for intricate projects.

My role involves providing valuable insights to design teams by keeping them abreast of the latest best practices and technological advancements.

I have created numerous applications, with my most recent one named Codar. It serves as a comprehensive database management system for healthcare projects, enabling seamless synchronization of data with Revit. Additionally, it empowers users to strategically plan data from the initial phases of the project.


Hello, my name is José Manuel Ramón I am a Tech Lead developing a lot of software applications in different languages. We are now in the BIM world for AECO industry focused on Common Data Environments and ISO 19650 and of course IFC.

When I’m not programming, I play the Spanish guitar and love playing tennis and chess.

See you in the community!



Hello, my name is Anne-Françoise.

I have a degree in Civil Engineering, I worked lately for a big precaster in France. Currently working as a developer because that’s how life goes by.
I have a strong past experience in BIM for AEC and Tekla Structures open API.
I am busy as I have 4 kids. When I have spare time I play clarinet in a banda and in a brass band.


Hi Speckle community! I am surprised that I didn’t introduce myself because i joined the community quite long time ago. Thank you for pinging me @sendaspeckle !
I am DY and currently working in Singapore as a digital delivery specialist and just finished a master’s degree in UK.
I believe Speckle can solve many issues in AEC industry.
I am very excited to see how people use Speckle!



@DY-Lim welcome to the Community it’s great having you here… and oh my god the socks!!! love them :blue_heart:


Hi, working at Trimble (Finland) now for many years after equally many years working as an Architect around the world. Discovered the power of coding when working on huge city design projects in China - exceeding customer expectations by working smarter, not harder.

20+ years married, father of two, reluctant owner of a spoilt poodle and eternal optimist.


Glad to see you here @David_Lash :slight_smile:


Hello everyone,
I am Sebastian. I work at Deutsche Bahn (DB) (Hamburg) and am responsible for BIM and more.
Me and my team is a small developer/researcher team. We are trying to introduce new technologies into the company and make the DB more modern :slight_smile:


Welcome to the community Bruno!


Hello fellow Specklers:
Thomas here, located in Washington, D.C., helping develop a digital design workflow between architecture and structural design, with a specific emphasis on seismic design.
I have a background in Architecture and Structural engineering. As with many people who spend hours per day pecking repetitive commands into a computer, I gained a keen interest in automation early on.
When not pecking away at my computer, I enjoy running, weightlifting, and geeking out over antique structural detailing.


Hello everyone,

I’ve been immersed in the digitisation of buildings for over a decade, starting with computer graphics and drawn into photogrammetry and LIDAR. During this time, I’ve had the privilege of working on impressive projects such as producing Revit models for landmarks like Blenheim Palace and Heathrow Airport’s infrastructure. Frustrations with the limitations of existing 3D software led me to delve into scripting and, ultimately, to take a break from my professional work to further my programming knowledge.

My primary aim is to contribute to or develop 3D software that can unlock the full potential of 3D data, particularly LIDAR data, making it more accessible to those less familiar with its intricacies. I’m looking forward to sharing insights with my fellow 3D tech enthusiasts.


PS: Here is some LIDAR data of a steamship boiler I really like!:


Hi everyone! My name is Andrew Wallace a Frontend Engineer from Belfast, Northern Ireland. I’m still finding my feet in the AEC world after three months here. My past is all things creative, so this is a bit of a new adventure for me.

I live with my wife Christina and our energetic cockapoo Piper, who keeps life fun and full of surprises. When I’m not tweaking pixels or wrestling with code, you might find us out and about exploring the city or enjoying a good walk in the park.

My main gig is making sure our web software is easy on the eyes, super responsive, and accessible to everyone. If something’s not sitting right or you’ve got ideas on how we can do better, give me a shout. Always up for a chat and keen to get things sorted!


Ali Behroozi ALBE Studio


Hi everyone,
I am Ali. I am the founder of ALBE Studio. Me and my team are a small team for BIM Digital Delivery projects.
We are trying to research more about BIM solutions for our new projects.


Hi everyone,
I am a Karl-Emil, a Junior Software Developer @ a:gain. A company that focuses on up-scaled waste based building solutions. I am currently looking to implement Speckle into the designers workflow to ease the process of creating/sharing products. I am new in the 3D world and the AEC industry, so hope to learn through this community :slight_smile:


Speckle Community, Hi!
Thrilled to be here among high-level geeks who would make real differences in digitalizing AEC. My name is Mahdi. I’m the founder of where professionals meet to fill the gaps between academic and practice in Computational Design utilization.
My works are dedicated to Integrated Design/Eng Programming which refers to Automating MultiDisciplinary Workflows using ML/DL. You can easily find me on Linkedin Here!
Speckle inspired me to integrate dataflows among platforms like putting on skyrunners. Therefore, please feel free to reach out if you found my profile connected to your works to discuss using this awesome revolution that is happening by Speckle.

Will be there with you guys!


Hi there!

I’m Stefano, architect by education and now in the field of Facade consulting working on high end steel/glass envelopes from concept to production.
A few familiar faces/names are already here with whom i’ve worked earlier in my career - very happy about that - and i’m looking into adopting Speckle at my current studio as a standard tool.
I’m based in Zürich, Switzerland, and even i’m not much into coding (except GH) i mainly look into agile and smart processes to implement in our workflows.
We work mainly with ArchiCAD and Solidworks but are keen to find new software that are more open for collaborative worksflows - this is what i hope to find here.

Else not much - i love good architecture, good food (at the end i’m italian) and sports a downhill mountainbiking, snowboarding (stuff u do in Switzerland :wink:


Hello everyone,

My name is Farzan.
I’m a structural designer & drafter.
I mainly focus on urban buildings and use American design codes (ACI, AISC, ASCE7).
Bellow is the list of software that I use for my job :

I’m trying to use speckle to create connection between Etabs, safe and Revit.

I hope to have a great collaboration within this community.



Do you mean Safe FME?