Include Speckle into Power Apps

Hi everyone,

I’m working on developing an app and a website for a major property owner in Norway. We aim to use open data and liberate our client from standard FM platforms that lock them into their ecosystems.

As part of this initiative, we’ve been experimenting with using something as simple as PowerApps. In this context, I’m wondering if anyone has tried connecting a Speckle Stream to PowerApps in a similar way to how it can be done with Power BI? Connecting to Power BI is quite straightforward, so I wouldn’t expect it to be much different for PowerApps.

It would be great if anyone has done something similar before or if you have any ideas on the approach.


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We’ve seen various integrations of Speckle data with Sharepoint and some have PowerApps automation setup to respond to Speckle web hooks - It really depends on what you are looking for with “into PowerApps”

I am looking to integrate a BIM viewer within PowerApps and thought Speckle would be a good fit. My idea is to link the Revit model to a Speckle stream, then use a webhook from PowerApps to enable viewing and interacting with the model directly within PowerApps.

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