Importing Linework into Revit from QGIS


Unable to cast object of type 'Objects.Geometry.Line' to type 'Objects.Geometry.Curve'.
Unable to cast object of type 'Objects.Geometry.Polyline' to type 'Objects.Geometry.Curve'.

Is this simply an unsupported conversion?

This is a QGIS generated stream read into Revit.

Should I use Grasshopper with SpeckleToRevit tools?

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I may be revealing my vast Revit ignorance here. :grimacing: :blush:

TBH, it does look like something we should look into as they look like simple geometry conversion failures. Can @clrkng/@AlanRynne haz sample data?

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Lines and Polylines are supported in Revit!
If you pass me or @AlanRynne the stream we can investigate :slight_smile:

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I was just tidying up from a long stream of messy commits.

Direct from QGIS


Unable to cast object of type 'Objects.Geometry.Polyline' to type 'Objects.Geometry.Curve'.

Tried Exploding Polylines in Grasshopper


Unable to cast object of type 'Objects.Geometry.Line' to type 'Objects.Geometry.Curve'.
Unable to cast object of type 'Objects.Geometry.Polyline' to type 'Objects.Geometry.Curve'.

Created Revit Model Lines in Grasshopper


03/02/22 12:10:54 The input point lies outside of Revit design limits.
Parameter name: origin
03/02/22 12:10:54 The input point lies outside of Revit design limits.
Parameter name: origin

I translated the model because it was in OS space


03/02/22 11:47:51 Curve length is too small for Revit's tolerance (as identified by Application.ShortCurveTolerance).
Parameter name: endpoints
03/02/22 11:47:49 Using converter: ConverterRevit v2.3.0.9631
03/02/22 11:47:49 Using document: 
03/02/22 11:47:49 Using units: mm
03/02/22 11:47:51 Created ModelCurve 433247b9e2ffd531c9bd-Objects.BuiltElements.Revit.Curve.ModelCurve-0
03/02/22 11:47:51 Created ModelCurve 433247b9e2ffd531c9bd-Objects.BuiltElements.Revit.Curve.ModelCurve-1

I have the same issue receiving geometries from grasshopper into Revit
stream: Speckle

@clrkng, any suggestions about how to solve this issue?

Hey @GabrielGarcia, I wasn’t able to reproduce this on my end sending grasshopper curves to Revit: could you push the grasshopper curves to a stream on I don’t have access to RHDHV’s server :slight_smile:

Thank you for your reply @clrkng, here is the stream Speckle

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@jonathon @GabrielGarcia
Just finished investigating the Unable to cast object of type errors, and this was actually caused by curves that are located very far from the internal origin in Revit (same exception as The input point lies outside of Revit design limits) when the exception just wasn’t reported correctly.

The current fix is now reporting the exception correctly, however it won’t result in the curves actually being created in Revit. We don’t have a good solution yet for handling civil scale geometry import into Revit, but in the meantime you could try the new settings feature in the Revit connector: (1) setting the survey point close to the originating geometry, and then (2) receiving the commit relative to the survey point to see if that might work.

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Thank you @clrkng. This is a stream received from a Grasshopper component we made to download open data from the Netherlands. The position of the geometries in this case is important because it refers to the national coordinate reference system. This is why there is also a problem with the GIS data from @jonathon.
I understand that there is no immediate solution for this but if you change the error message, at least the user knows why the data cannot be imported into Revit and take some action.