IFC Uploads don't finish

Hello there,
I have the same issue.
Last week I updated many IFC’s without a problem.
Today, it refuses to upload even the same (really light) files I uploaded before.
I tried using a different project, but the problem persists.
I also tried using a different browser.
Thank you in advance

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The same issue.
I’ve dragged and dropped a very little IFC and didn’t work.
(IFC 4, 575 Kb)

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Hey @Sebastian_Duque_Mahe ,

Sorry to hear you are having issues. Can you share the problematic IFC file with us? You can send a DM if you don’t want to drop it here.

Hey @5151 ,

Can you also share the problematic IFC file? Feel free to send a DM if you don’t want to share it publicly?

Linked both versions : Ifc 4 and Ifc 2x3


Hello, Thank you for your reply.
I’d like to share the model in DM, could you explain me how?

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I’m also having issues uploading IFCs. They were generated from different software, so the problem should not be related to the files themselves.

I will share with @gokermu the IFCs files.


2 posts were split to a new topic: How to hide part of a federated model?

Yes, it works know.
It just need a page refreshing (it shows uploading, but when refreshing it’s ok, the model is there)
Best regards

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It works for me, too.
Thank you!

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