How to limit email user register by domain company?

Hi Speckle Team,

Can give me assistant how can setting limit user register by domain ?

Example my domain :

I just want all user create by can register, how can I achieve that ?
Some random user is :,,…
Any comment appreciate !

Hi @chuongmep - I’m afraid that this isn’t currently possible with the email registration option.

The easiest way to restrict users is to change your server to ‘invite only’, this is an option in the admin page of your server. You would then have to invite new users yourself via the bulk invites page.

Another more complex option is to instead disable the email registration option and enable Google, GitHub, or Azure SSO. This would allow you to manage users via that provider’s interface. This requires that the users are managed by that provider. It also requires manual reconfiguration of the speckle server’s docker compose file.


Thank you, @iainsproat , I hope the team will consider support for that in the future, because it helps for business easier to manager user !


2 posts were split to a new topic: Server setup to use Google Auth