How can I customize the 3D model in Power BI when there's no 'Display Object' in PBI?

How can I customize the 3D model in Power BI? The system shaded the model base on the criteria I set in “Color By” and "Tooltip data’. However I don’t know where to customize the color of the model and the model will change the color itself so it’s hard to control.

In the “Format”, I can’t find the ‘Display Object’ and find no where to set the color of the model.
How can I fix it? Thanks.

Can you please share your Power-BI File with me? We need to reproduce the issue so we can find a solution. You can send me a Message by clicking on my icon or share the file here.

Thank you

Thanks Nikos. I tried to click your photo and send you the message, however LinkedIn message doesn’t support Power BI file type and I’m unable to send you the file. Do you have other email address to receive the file? Thanks.

@judywu0102 i have shared a google dropbox with you to the email you have registered here with.

Thanks and I have uploaded the PBI file to the Google Drive you shared with me, thanks.

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