I was wondering if it is possible to push objects to a stream and have them hidden from the viewer by default?
I was wondering if it is possible to push objects to a stream and have them hidden from the viewer by default?
This isn’t currently possible. Could you describe a use case which such a feature would improve ?
Hi Jonathon,
Sure thing, some of the situations we are currently considering is types which we have labelled as “Operations”. An Operation is usually something which uses one or more geometry types and can be rasterized to a Mesh, but that rasterization is going to have some level of inaccuracy. So what I would like is to be able to send the operation and it’s input parameters to Speckle along with the displayValue being rasterized as a Mesh. What this means is that I could pull down the uploaded information and be able to get accurate results for things like intersections or closest points etc, vs if I just upload just the Mesh then I would be at the mercy of the rasterized result.
An example of this is our Sweep operation, which takes a curve and a profile (profile being a 2d shape) and then applies the profile along the curve. Here a curve could be something simple like a Polyline or Line, but it could also be something more complicated like an Arc. So what I would like is for the Curve and Profile to be properties on the operation, but by default hidden, so when the user visits the commit in the viewer they don’t see a curve or profile and instead just the mesh, but have the option to view them if they wish. We also tend to work a decent distance away from world origin, so I can imagine that having profiles (which are meant to be oriented to world origin in 2d) enabled might make the camera zoom very far out giving the impression there is no viewable data.
Sorry for the large wall of text, bit difficult to be able to capture the objectives and write them down.