Feel this might be a simple fix but not getting much progress with it. I’m sending stuff from Rhino/Grasshopper to Dynamo. All geometry I’m bringing across is coming through as SpeckleCoreGeometryClasses on the dynamo side, before it was coming over as a curve, line ect. Any suggestions would be great!
Using the below versions.
Rhino 6
Dynamo 2.0
Revit 2019
Heya @Olly! Did you, by any chance, upgrade to the pre-release version of the speckle plugins (1.4.x)? If so, i suspect I might know what’s causing the trouble… Can you send me a screenshot of what you have in %localappdata%\SpeckleKits\SpeckleElements? (if the SpeckleElements folder exists).
heya @andywatts, weird. besides the usual dynamo version, revit etc, if you can share some of those curves so i can reproduce tomorrow 'morn and get to the bottom of this? you can send me the stream id in private if you want.