FormIt Connector

hi :waffle:

Curious if anyone in the community has thought about a connector to FormIt? We’re starting to migrate our SketchUp users to FormIt and I figured it would be a good client to have a :speckle: connection. There’s a c++ and js api.

also - I never realized there is no such thing as a baby butterfly

How many FormIt users do you have?

Are you migrating to aid onward workflows or because of licencing as it is bundled with Building Design Suite?

currently its just a small group doing some initial testing before rolling it out to the firm. We are currently trying to reduce the amount of different modeling software we have to support, and skp has been in the popularity decline around the office. I’m not sure if we have the bds bundle, but I’m assuming we do since we have a bunch of autodesk software.

If we copy over all of the current skp users it might be around 70 peeps, but they could also jump over to rhino instead as we’re pushing for them to adopt either programs.

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Well, count yourself as the first to ask! :smiley:

It is interesting to see trends in different regions; Sketchup is experiencing explosive growth in some places and withering on the vine in others.

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it’s interesting to hear that. I wonder if places that are pushing for more adoption of skp are using rhino. We are mos def pushing for users to be more on the rhino side than formit