Filtering not working when colored by Conditional Formatting

@gokermu A question, in my models I am applying the same steps for the conditional formatting and indeed my 3d view is painted according to the conditions that I place.

However when I apply filters the elements that do not belong to the filter are not shown in Ghosted mode nor are they hidden. They stay in the view.


Is there any way to color the elements and apply the required filters?

Hey @Joff_20 ,

Thanks for reporting this. It looks like a legit issue. I will log this into our backlog and let you know once we figure it out.

I found a solution to this question. It turns out that after applying the color filters through Object Display of the Speckle 3D viewer in PowerBI, you have to use the Data Segmentation visual object in order to apply the filters.

In this first GIF, Data Segmentation is used and filters are applied.

Since from Matrix or Tables the filters are not applied.

In this second GIF in the first part I try to filter with the object visul Matrix but they don’t work, only when I use Data Segmentation the filters are applied.


@Joff_20 Hey, thanks a ton for sharing your solution! I really appreciate it and learned something new!

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