Feb'24 Community StandUp

Hey @Community,

On February 28th, we will demo our new web app, and answer any questions you have!

We’re looking forward to this session as there’s a lot to cover, and we can’t wait to see you there!

:hourglass_flowing_sand: When? Feb 28th, 3-4pm GMT

:pushpin: Where? Google Meet

You can register here.

See you soon! :partying_face:


:partying_spockle: Looking forward to this one!!! :starstruck_spockle:


The link to join us is here: Community StandUp: The New Speckle Web App


I watched the Standup and was very pleased.

It was great. Everything was great.
The new Interface and UI, the new features, the progress, the roadmap, …
But also the user questions and answers from the team.


Hi @Community :partying_face:

Thank you to all of you who joined us yesterday, it was such an interactive session and we hope to see more of you in future sessions!

Don’t worry if you could not make it, here’s the recording:


I’m also sharing below a few resources such as the feedback form and the Automate beta group:

  • You can share feedback about the new web app here, we’d love to hear what you think!
  • You can sign up for our closed Automate beta programme here.

See you soon! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Our company is about to deploy Speckle internally. I’m excited about the new web front end you demo’d! In the video Benjamin said that the new web front end is launching ‘next week’. Is there a specific date I can tell my team to start , or is there a specific version number i can tell them to wait for to confirm that they have the new changes? I just want to make sure that whatever version they grab to deploy its the new version with the new front end.

The Launch next week - is when we anticipate all the desktop connectors to be fully ready.

app.speckle.systems is already “launched”


So if they grab one of the precompiled releases that are available as docker images on Docker Hub now, they will have the new webapp UI?

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They include the new webapp, yep!

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