Error sending from Advance Steel

Send Error!

Speckle.core.kitsException – Failed to load converter for app AdvanceSteel2023:

Converter for AdvanceSteelo2023 was not found in kit C:\users….

Can someone tell me what I did wrong during installation that the corresponding file is not installed.

Speckle Status: All checks passing !

Speckles Version: Speckle for Advance Steel v.

I have elevated your trust settings on the forum, so feel free to upload them again. In the meantime, a missing converter error typically comes from having different versions of the Speckle connector across different host applications; do you think this could be the case?

Is there any way I can check this?

I can’t find a converter for AdvanceSteel in the …Speckle\Kits\Objects folder.
The converter for Revit is there.

I’ve checked the installer scripts - and it should be available - suggest uninstall and reinstall Advanced Steel connector from Manager and report back

I tried to remove the installed connector 2.20.2 in the manager.

Somthing went wrong
Connector für AdvanceSteel was not removed.

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