Error Receiving from SketchUp into Revit

Objective: Receiving reasonably-sized model assets from SketchUp into a Revit generic family.

Issue: I am able to successfully send an asset from SketchUp, and view it online. As we try to organize our SketchUp files, this asset is a component consisting of two groups.

However, when attempting to receive it into a new generic family in Revit. I receive the following error message:

“Receive Error! System.ArgumentNullException - Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key”

Here is an example of the SketchUp component I’m trying to recieve: trunk - HHPLM | Speckle

To note, it seems I am able to explode the component in SketchUp, then send, and successfully receive it in Revit. However, the component is received very slowly, line-by-line and face-by-face in Revit. Also, the workflow just isn’t practical to have to explode every component and then send. Too much time and file manipulation.

For any who might be able to help, here is my log file:

We will look into this, but as this is an error in the Revit converter with a workaround (albeit inconvenient), it may not be addressed in the v2 connectors.

We are working on v3, our next-generation connectors, so all engineering effort is there. I don’t fully grasp whether this workflow is ready for support yet - perhaps you could try it yourself.

Thanks, Jonathon. I’ll try the v3 connectors and see if that works.

I have a separate Revit to SketchUp quirk I’ll post about separately, but in summary when receiving in SketchUp some of the edges don’t come through, and need to be manually drawn to enable editing (push/pull) of the faces.

I have assigned your report to someone much more familiar with SketchUp than I am.

In the meantime, I have received the SketchUp model in Revit, and there are some geometry errors visible, but no conversion errors reported (other than not recognising views to convert)

This is revit 2024.

That’s great to see! You were receiving using the v3 connector, right?

Just downloaded and installed to attempt receiving into a family, but am getting a message in the Connector window that “family environment files are not supported by Speckle.”

I downloaded the latest beta, but maybe an earlier version support families?

No, I used a v2.21.x version connector.

v3 is a heavy work in progress - we’ve prioritised publish mostly for now so I’m not surprised receiving into family environment isn’t supported yet.

Interesting. I’m was first attempting this using v2.20x version but am using Revit 2023 as that’s what this project is using. So that seems to be the difference here.

Then i cant recreate the errors you mentioned

Hmm, that is strange. I’ll have to check on any Revit 2023 updates then. I’m on

Hi @nevansatBRC,

I think i know what’s going on. It seems you’re trying to receive it in a family environment. We introduced the “Blocks to Families” feature some time ago, which allows you to receive it directly within the project environment, creating a family with the corresponding name. Just try receiving in a project environment, it will create the family for you.

As a side note, there are some issues with the SketchUp geometry. I recommend cleaning it up before converting it into Revit families.


Hello @gokermu, thank you for the additional information here. This could be an acceptable workflow to receive into an isolated “reciever” project, open the imported families, and load those into our primary project. This is for cleanliness of our family list in the main project, as we can clean up and rename families into our naming convention and not things like “Group#51.”

I was able to receive this into a project, however I see it’s coming in as two different families. Is that a product of how the SketchUp file has grouped them?

We organize them by the top-level component in SketchUp and ignore the nested components. In your model in SketchUp, there were two components. If you group them under one component, they will be received as one family in Revit.

I see. Will try grouping these into a single component and hopefully that solves it :slight_smile:

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