Error occurred while sending file

Thank you for seeking help! Our friendly community is here to assist you. :pray:

To assist you better, please consider providing:

  • Objective: Creating New Stream From Revit

  • Issue: When ever I create new stream the following error appear" error occurred while sending
    file" and nothing exported
    Also Revit become slower and i cannot open rvt by open i have to double click

  • Example: screenshot

Are you able to update to our latest Revit connector?

The last stable release is 2.17.1 and we are about to release 2.18 (currently RC2 is available)

We try extremely hard to support connectors without breaking things, but 2.10.2 is over a year old and things have moved on.


You can upgrade via Speckle Manager or by downloading the installers manually

  • Objective: While Creating New project it cannot connect my account although being signed in
  • Issue: As shown in pic cannot connect my account although being signed in

Hey @ahmed_magdy ,

Can you try connecting from a different network? There may be some firewall rules in place preventing us establishing a secure connection.