I am trying to use the embedded viewer in a website where the users of the viewer might not have a Speckle account or be logged in to Speckle. I have enabled Link Sharing on the Stream and embedded it into my website, but as soon as I open up the website in incognito I get an error in the GraphQL websocket stream “You need a token to subscribe” and there is no geometry that loads in. I can see the preview image but the stream won’t load.
If I launch the viewer when I am logged into the speckle systems it works, but if I copy paste the thread url and launch it in incognito without logging in prior then I get the error
Are you able to share the specific commit/stream? I know it doesn’t sound like it should make a difference, but so we can all be working to a common reference.
What you describe should definitely work for a non-logged-in user if link sharing is on. It also works in an incognito/private cacheless browser session.
Okay, so i have a hunch this is a self-goal induced by incognito mode. We should be handling the subscriptions gracefully, so if there’s no user present things don’t crash and burn - we simply do not subscribe to the events.