Dynamo Receive node errors

I have a fairly simple stream in Speckle. It is some capped geometry that was created and sent from Grasshopper. It views on the stream on the web browser fine. I can also receive it directly in Revit fine. The problem is in Dynamo. The Receive node starts to process the elements, and then just displays Error. The Data and Info both have null content. I would like to work with the elements in Dynamo prior to sending it onto Revit. Is there anyway to debug the error?

It looks like it has to do with the data structure coming out of Grasshopper. Some of the data was in an A structure, some was in an A,B,C structure. Upon flattening so everything was just in an A data structure Dynamo was able to receive and process the information. The weird part is they were all wrapped in Speckle Objects in Grasshopper. So just because something can be sent out, doesn’t mean it can be recieved.

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Hmm, this is interesting. Can you share the Speckle Model with us? Ideally we’d like to make sure if you can send from Grasshopper, you should be able to receive it in Dynamo as they are very similar in nature.

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Dynamo is by nature more restrictive with data structures and while in GH we can retain Speckle Objects for the whole graph Dynamo deals in simple dictionaries.

Here is one of the commits that error out on the Dynamo end.


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The issue is on the Receiving Node. It doesn’t even get to the point of outputting Dictionaries.

I am having a similar issue:

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