Does Speckle v2 supports Grasshopper plugin on Mac

@jonathon Thanks for the quick reply. Everything seems to be working now!

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Hi @AlanRynne, I got a GH error when using “Create Speckle Object” (see screenshot).
It seems to reproduce the error every time.
Is it compatible with rhino 7 or only with rhino 6?

Hi @bruadam,

It should be compatible with both Rhino 6 and 7, although the last sneak peek release of GH for mac was a while ago, so we may need to do another one.

Anyway, since the installation process is quite manual, please double check everything was put in the right place :slight_smile: I’ll do some tests in the afternoon to see if I manage to reproduce your issue, but it’s working on my machine for now. Could you also send me a GH file with one of those corrupted components?


Just wanted to update on the status of Speckle for Mac for anybody that wonders how it’s going.

We recently released our first two installers for Mac (Rhino and Grasshopper) and others will soon follow!

Read more about it here :point_right:t3:

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