I would be grateful if you could help me with some tips for my issue.
When I create a Power BI Dashboard, most of the time, the dashboard has more than one page. Each time I change a page, the Speckle Power BI Viewer refreshes the model. For small models, this process does not take much time, but for medium to large models, it takes more time to refresh and display the models.
In the attached video, I show you the refreshing process.
Does anyone know how to stop the refreshing process in the Speckle visual object? Or how to optimize this process to reduce the waiting time?
To pre-empt any additional input from my colleagues, I’m pleased to share that the next release of the Power BI connector will already address this concern. The updated version will change how data is retrieved from the server. Specifically, data will be cached within the Power BI workbook itself. This means the visual will be fed directly from the data connector rather than requiring a new online query each time you switch pages.
With this improvement, the first query will populate both the data view and the visual data source, significantly reducing refresh times for medium to large models.
We’ll be announcing this release very soon—stay tuned!
This behaviour kind of out of our control because powerbi-visuals API triggers update function regardless, with the upcoming version we are doing our best to address/hack it properly by having the data from workbook
Thank you for your time, guys! I am excited to install the new Power BI connector.
After @oguzhan explanation about the Power BI API, I conducted some research in the Microsoft Fabric Community and found a topic dedicated to this issue.
I don’t know if it will help, but I have voted in favor of adding this improvement in Power BI. Do you think it would be beneficial to share it with the Speckle community so they can vote in favor and put a little more pressure on Microsoft to implement this improvement?