Direct Revit Upload

We frequently work with Revit models provided to us by architects and seldom have a need to make any changes within the model itself. We’re mostly just opening the Revit model and sending it straight into speckle to take into other platforms.

Are there any solutions which might allow us to get these Revit models onto speckle without needing to actually open Revit? I’m thinking an Autodesk viewer type arrangement where you drag and drop the file and speckle does it’s magic on the web.


Yes KIND Automatic. I posted about it in the Showroom A speckle friendly alternative to APS Model Derivative Service

Here is the whole flow for processing one file (note I had entered my speckle config ahead of time.) Note I condensed this, extracting the data and sending it to takes some time. If you want to try it let me know. No Revit No Problem

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Speckle doesn’t support this directly, but the above is a promising option! :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2:

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Thank you very much. More to come!!