Data Transfer QGIS to REVIT , more than geometry

I have done the steps and the connection between QGIS and Revit works fine. The geometries have been transmitted. I wonder, if it is possible to also transmit object data (information associated with the element). I have seen that in the application there is no possibility to configure the field mapping, that a property in my QGIS layer can be transferred to Revit.
You have it raised or, it exists and I can’t find the way to execute it? Thanks


Buenas @Agusti_Jardi_Margale!!

I’m not sure this is supported yet, but it is an interesting request. We’re currently looking into improvements on how to “map” information between different software with our new “Mapping Tool”.
It’s very early stages and right now it just allows to map 1 object to another, not properties, but we’ve talked about property mapping too (no timeline yet)

As for the QGIS->Revit workflow specifics, I’ll refer to @Kateryna and @connor to see if they have any ideas on how this would work.

Also this may be an interesting conversation for @jonathon.


Hi @Agusti_Jardi_Margale , it’s an interesting use case!
Could you tell a bit more about the process and desired outcome: where was the QGIS geometry originally created (in QGIS or received via Speckle from another software), and as what kind of object do you expect it to be received in Revit? You could also attach the link to the public stream with some example of the elements you are sending :upside_down_face:

Thanks Kateryna for your response.
The geometry has been generated in QGIS. The workflow would be the following: from a public geoportal I download the information of some parcels, then in QGIS I carry out the adaptation. The idea was to be able to transmit to Revit, not only the geometry but also the data (plot reference). I’ve done more tests, to look to find a possible common data between Revit and QGIS after the transmission. In this case, just by having a match field between the Revit and QGIS data, it would have been easier to link all the data and properties. However, I have not found any common ground.

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You can achieve that using little bit of Dynamo. You can access all the geometry and parameters coming from QGIS. If you need any help with that, feel free to share a sample model and i’d be happy to give it a go.

Just letting you know it’s still an open question, will keep you updated if there are any solutions without using Dynamo :ok_hand:

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Hello Specklemaniacs,

i have a similar question we are stuck with right now. Is this still an open question or are there solutions how to also transfer qgis attributes?

Our environment department works in qgis and want’s to transfer geometry with it’s attributes via speckle to revit.

So far we can transfer the test geometry both from Revit => Speckle => QGIS by simply sending the selection and QGIS=>Speckle=>Revit by sending selected layers, but the attributes assigned in the attributes table in QGIS are missing or not visible in both speckle web viewer and Revit.

Does someone have an idea what we could do different or what we need to be aware of?
Thank you very much!

Hi @Sus !

1st issue: QGIS to web. This might have been the case when selecting elements that are Polygon type. They wouldn’t show the properties, because the properties were stored in the parent PolygonElement (just a object structure design that didn’t work well with the viewer). This has been fixed, 2.19 release is being tested now and will be available soon. Meanwhile, you can see those properties if you access the element from the Tree structure element list in Web.

  1. Revit only receives the properties, that are already specified in the corresponding Revit family. QGIS Polygons are received as generic objects, and it has been unresolved question so far: how to allow users to re-create those properties in Revit BUT at the same time, to not mess up the existing families (which is a 100% undesired behavior).

Please share your use case in more detail with us, so we can make better informed decision on how to approach this issue, and see whether it is something possibly widely needed for QGIS and Revit users :raised_hands:

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Hi @Kateryna !

You’re awesome, thank you very much! Our Objects were indeed of Polygon type, we found the parameters in the model tree and were able to transfer them to Revit, when the attributes were already set up there.

We are on a road with our customers where very soon we are more or less forced to deliver every trade in BIM, filled up with quite a lot of attributes. We are into planning big public infrastructure projects and doing almost every trade in-house with more or less every trade in its own specialised software. We are looking for ways to bring all the data together, most propably in Revit and for us Speckle comes around just at the right time.

I was really happy to see that speckle is able to assign the attributes to revit shared parameters, that will help us actually work with the data. In general I don’t think, adding all the parameters would be toooo much of an issue for us, atleast if they are stored in the project and not be directly written into all other families as well. Sure, it would blow up Revits database, but it is the same already with Revit Systemfamilies (walls, floors, roofs etc), as there is just no way to seperate parameters by object or subfamily too. For these all parameters need to be added to all e.g. walls, even if we would just need it for one type or instance. For working with it we use a tool that allows us to only show the parameters that should actually be assigned to it by definition and in ifc exports empty parameters are not exported anyway, so performance aside we would not really have issues with adding unnessessary parameters to a project.

On thing that occurred: When receiving geometry via speckle with “update” mode, it is not updating the attributes as far as i have seen which would be expected behaviour. I loaded the geometry in without having attributes in Revit, created the parameters in Revit, and updated the model to see if the attributes would update as well but as far a i have seen no attributes updated. This would be nice because when stuff is imported and visuals are modified, these modifications of course get lost when deleting and re-creating the geometry to get the latest attributes.

Thank you so much @Kateryna, those hints helped us already so much!!!


FYI: Revit connector 2.20 fixes the assignment of custom-added parameters from QGIS (you can install 2.20-wip6 if you don’t want to wait:). I would recommend Create more rather than Update, but if you are receiving a new object from scratch, there is no difference :raised_hands:
These are the settings to specify in the new Project parameter in Revit: