Could not load file ot assembly

  • Debug the xaml: I want to see the layout and debug it*
  • Issue: Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a’. 系统找不到指定的文件

I think it is a TargetFramework problem, but I can’t fix it. :sob:

Anyone can help? please :pray:

Hey @Mason,

Before diving into this issue, could you clarify what you’re aiming to achieve? I ask because we’re currently migrating Speckle away from the Avalonia framework. If you intended to contribute to the Mapper within that context, it’s worth noting that we probably won’t be able to adopt those changes due to this transition.

Let me know if there’s another way we can assist!

I am a speckle beginner, just clone Speckle Sharp Repo and open desktop UI2, then I found the problem.

From a beginner’s perspective, I’d start using the SDK to interface with the API and make queries for the Speckle data. The DUI project is the retiring method of creating Connectors for host applications.

If that is what you want to achieve, we can address this IDE issue with you, but it’s not a starting point with Speckle that I would recommend.

Thanks for your time, I just want to resolve this IDE issue and learn about the DUI project.

Which projects are you unable to build?
What version of visual studio are you running? have you tried updating to the latest?

For the speckle-sharp repo, we recommend you use version 8 of the .NET SDK (included with Visual Studio 2022 17.9.x or greater), older versions will not be able to build all projects.

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The issue has been resolved. Thank you very much for your answer :+1:

A post was split to a new topic: Why is Speckle migrating from Avalonia