Connectors - 2.21 Release just dropped 👀

It’s been a few months @Community - the 2.21 stable release is here, bundled up with a cute surprise :blush:

A quick overview:
Sharp - 2.21.2 released :white_check_mark:
Nuget- 2.21.2 released :white_check_mark:
Blender - 2.21.1 released :white_check_mark:
Manager - 2.15.1 released :white_check_mark:
Sketchup - 2.21.1 released :white_check_mark:
Archicad - 2.21.2 released :white_check_mark:

Speckle Insiders know the team has been working hard on the new next gen connectors, so this release of the current connectors is mostly focused on squashing those pesky bugs. See what’s changed below, and keep reading for a special reveal at the end!

What’s Changed


  • Fixed missing geometry from instances when publishing direct shapes (more info).
    Get all of your direct shape geometry, including from any nested family instances, when you publish your model—so you don’t have to worry about missing pieces anymore.

  • Direct shape parameters are updated when you load your model in update mode. (more info).
    Load your custom Revit direct shapes with a complete set of parameters without creating entirely new objects.

  • Fixed a bug preventing the publishing of floors and ceilings in linked models (more info).
    We’re improving our linked model support so you can publish directly from your coordination model in large projects.

  • We’re including the Next-Gen Revit connector when you update or install the original connector in Manager!
    You’ll see it in the same panel with the name Speckle (Beta)


  • We’re including the Next-Gen Archicad connector when you update or install the original connector in Manager!
    You’ll see it in the same panel with the name Speckle (Beta)


  • We’re including the Next-Gen Rhino connector when you update or install the original connector in Manager!
    You can use the command SpeckleBeta to call up the Next-Gen interface.


  • Fixed issue with the synchronous Receive component disappearing during file open or save. (more info).
    Your grasshopper scripts will stay intact when you use the “Do Not Convert" setting in our Receive component.

  • Fixed missing value assignment when sending Transforms (more info).
    Were you working with block instances? Rest assured that your block properties will not unintentionally change when you receive and send a model through Grasshopper.


  • We’re including the Next-Gen SketchUp connector when you update or install the original connector in Manager!
    You’ll see it in the same panel with the name Speckle (Beta)


  • Fixed bug with missing element properties. (more info).
    All property groups are now included!

  • Removes keyboard shortcut from plugin registration. (more info).
    Use the “Ctrl+Shift+S” shortcut for exporting in Navisworks without worrying that it will conflict with the Speckle connector.

  • We’re including the Next-Gen Navisworks connector when you update or install the original connector in Manager!
    You’ll see it in the same panel with the name Speckle Next Gen


  • We’re including the Next-Gen Autocad connector when you update or install the original connector in Manager!
    You’ll see it in the same panel with the name Speckle (Beta), and you can also call it using the SpeckleBeta command.


  • We’re including the Next-Gen Civil3D connector when you update or install the original connector in Manager!
    You’ll see it in the same panel with the name Speckle (Beta), and you can also call it using the SpeckleBeta command.


  • We’re including the Next-Gen Tekla connector when you update or install the original connector in Manager!
    You’ll see it with the name Speckle (Beta) .


  • Fixed issue with receiving analytical panels in ETABS (more info).
    Get your analytical panels from Revit or CSI grasshopper elements into ETABs with slab and wall sections correctly assigned and thickness and material properties assigned where possible.

Power BI

  • Fixed the structural analysis model object (more info).
    Now, you can load your structural analysis objects in Power BI and visualise results to optimise your design.


  • Next-Gen connectors will now be installed alongside the original connector. See the section below for more details!


  • Optimised connection checks with the server.
  • Optimised several heavy GraphQL queries.
  • Updated several usages of deprecated GraphQL queries/subscriptions.
  • Removed usage of deprecated stream favourites and activity queries.


If you’ve read this far, you’ve probably guessed by now: Next-Gen connectors will be installed alongside the original connector for Revit, Archicad, AutoCAD, Civil3D, Rhino, SketchUp, Tekla, and Navisworks.

What This Means:

  • When you update or install a connector in Manager, you will also get the Next-Gen version.

  • Both the original and Next-Gen connectors will appear in your toolbars. Look out for the speckle star logo :star2:, and/or access it with the command SpeckleBeta.

  • Reminder: the original connectors and Next-Gen connectors are not compatible! Do not publish or load models between the original and Next-Gen connectors. Ensure you publish and load original ↔ original or Next-Gen ↔ Next-Gen only.

  • Note: removing the original connectors from the Manager will not remove the Next-Gen connector. Remove it from your OS Programs / Applications to uninstall the Next-Gen connector.

Got time to try them out? We always love your feedback :sparkling_heart:


Hey folks, we’ve got a few people play with the new Speckle for Rhino and it appears to be breaking hops. We’ve had a range of different errors but they’re all bring thrown by Serilog which is what I think you’re using. Uninstalling Speckle has fixed the issues.

To reproduce, simply make a hops node and watch the rhino.compute command line.

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Hi chris, i can’t really reproduce with a poor man’s hops node running off a local gh definition. We thought we had serilog under control - @Jedd or @adamhathcock? one more fire to look at?

Could you help us determine if its the V3 connector, or the v2 Connector that might be conflicting.

You can install the v3 connector without the v2 one via this link: speckle-releases

A total reinstall of 2.21.2 and a restart, and I can’t recreate the issues I was having yesterday at all. My colleague downgraded to 2.20.6 and they have no more issues either.

Apologies for the runaround, I think we’re just gonna have to put this down to hops being hops and potentially some IT gremlins on our side. If it happens again I’ll be more diligent in my note taking.

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6 posts were split to a new topic: Next-Gen Archicad Connector Installation Problems