Hi everyone,
Does anyone know how to change the colour of the selected items in the viewer:
I would like it to look like this:
This is the viewer settings at the moment:
Otherwise I am open to any other suggestions.
Many thanks.
Hi everyone,
Does anyone know how to change the colour of the selected items in the viewer:
I would like it to look like this:
This is the viewer settings at the moment:
Otherwise I am open to any other suggestions.
Many thanks.
Is this to make the UI consistent with other tools?
Or are there circumstances where this is needed for different reasons (distinctive from a primarily blue model)?
Colour manipulation is quite common in most viewers, we use it all the time with Trimble Connect. I can think of lost of examples when the colour of one or a few objects needs to be overridden, for example in the above, all elements that are passing a certain criteria are green and the ones that are failing are red. This is assuming no data to filter. On the same topic, the ability to manipulate transparency is also quite common. Typical used to create screen shots for a sketch (I wish everyone worked in 3d!) or to help organise the geometric data more visually.
Indeed @ChrisT We have discussed and scoped a request for adapting the colours available to the filtering by property.
James’s question was around the selected objects colouring that’s what I was looking to potentially scope that separate request further.
@jonathon awesome! Meaning selecting the object/s and changing the colour of the selection? This is actually what I was try to say
Well, to put that back to @abreyjames I understood the request for the temporary color of selected elements while selected