Change/version control feature

hello i’m new to speckle, this afternoon i discovered a change control feature in the viewer, there was an information like ‘feature in development’ did you just turn it on temporarily? I find the concept really useful and would like to continue testing it. king regards


the feature is still a bit hidden, but I think it’s really great. It is located in frontend-2 > viewer > compare-changes > Panel.vue

I think it would also be nice if the feature was directly integrated in the feed/timeline


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Frontend 2 is our next-generation web experience - it was previously only available on our development server but is now available at the address you used with data help on the main public server

In time, this will be the default.

We’d love to find out why you think it is hidden and how it might be more visible.

I also want to hear your feedback on it being present in the Project feed. How do you see that playing out?

Looping in @Agi, our user interaction expert.

in frontend-2 I would implement the feature directly when u open the stream

in frontend somehow the Menu > Stream Home is extremely messy, I would clean it up and add some information to the feed that can only be seen in the Viewer.

what is also not so smooth is that the v-cards (Owners, Contributors, Reviewers…) in MENU > Collaborators are of different heights :slight_smile:

Hi @lonerodriguez,

Thank you for your feedback, and I’d love to hear more!
I’m Agi, the product designer at Speckle. This is my calendar where you can book a call with me for further discussion about your ideas:

Thank you in advance :sparkles: