change the model color in Power BI

I want to change the color of 3D model in Power BI however I can only find the background color. No display color setting to add Conditional Formatting. What can i do the change the 3D model color?

I m using the 2.18 connector, sketch up model.

Try selecting your Speckle 3D viewer in PowerBI.
Then go to the second option that is enabled in Displays, go to the Visual Object options and look for Object Display, click on the fx button and from there you can set the colors.

In this new window you can configure how you want to apply the colors to the elements of your model.

Thank you for your reply.

For some reason the model doesn’t have the Object Display

Hey @judywu0102 ,

You can learn more about conditional formatting following this tutorial. Let me know if you are still having issues.

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Thank you.
I m unable to find the ‘Object Display’ from my PBI 3D model, do you know how can I fix it?


hey @judywu0102,

Can you please install the latest Power-BI connector thought the speckle manager?

Once you installed you should see two new folders under \Documents\Power BI Desktop

Inside the Custom Visuals folder you can find the new 3D viewer to import.

Try this and let us know if you can see the Object Display.

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Maybe you are not selecting the correct visual? Make sure you select Speckle’s 3D Viewer Visual in the dashboard.

Thanks for your reply. I have installed the new 3D viewer and right now I can see the ‘Object Display’ under ‘Format’. Many thanks.

When using the new 3D viewer, the vision shown as one or not shaded the color as set on the backend data.

And we can’t click individual element in the mode, the whole model is fixed as single block

Hey @judywu0102 ,

Good to hear you made it work. Can you share the Speckle Model URL so we can try to reproduce the coloring issue?

main - CPPS AIM | Speckle

I see the model you shared is a SketchUp model. Firstly, i’d like to recommend publishing it using our next-gen connector, which comes installed next to current version.

Secondly, I am having trouble understanding how you created that formatting. It seems you colored them by their “First Model URL” which they all have same value hence they all show up under same color. If you can give more detail on how you are planning to color, what attribute from SketchUp are you going to reference for coloring, it would help us help you.

If what you want to do is select individual elements in the viewer and override their colors with some custom color, that’s not how power bi works.