Can't send data from Revit


I’m trying to send data from a Revit file, but I keep getting this messages, as seen in the screenshot below:

Here the log for this error:

Log 1

2024-02-19 14:18:27.494 -03:00 [FTL] Failed to create new stream Método não encontrado: ‘Void GraphQL.Client.Http.GraphQLHttpClientOptions.set_WebSocketProtocol(System.String)’.
System.MissingMethodException: Método não encontrado: ‘Void GraphQL.Client.Http.GraphQLHttpClientOptions.set_WebSocketProtocol(System.String)’.
em Speckle.Core.Api.Client…ctor(Account account)
em DesktopUI2.ViewModels.HomeViewModel.d__33.MoveNext()

Also, when I try to “Refresc streams and accounts” I get the following warning:

Wich generated this log:

Log 2

2024-02-19 14:23:42.961 -03:00 [INF] Pinging
2024-02-19 14:23:42.965 -03:00 [DBG] Starting execution of http request to “
2024-02-19 14:23:42.987 -03:00 [DBG] Starting execution of http request to “
2024-02-19 14:23:42.988 -03:00 [ERR] Could not fetch streams
System.MissingMethodException: Método não encontrado: ‘Void GraphQL.Client.Http.GraphQLHttpClientOptions.set_WebSocketProtocol(System.String)’.
em Speckle.Core.Api.Client…ctor(Account account)
em DesktopUI2.ViewModels.AccountViewModel.get_Client()
em DesktopUI2.ViewModels.HomeViewModel.d__18.MoveNext()
2024-02-19 14:23:42.993 -03:00 [DBG] Starting execution of http request to “
2024-02-19 14:23:43.011 -03:00 [DBG] Starting execution of http request to “
2024-02-19 14:23:43.116 -03:00 [INF] Execution of http request to succeeded with “OK” after 0.1298967 seconds and 0 retries
2024-02-19 14:23:43.124 -03:00 [INF] Execution of http request to succeeded with “OK” after 0.1132373 seconds and 0 retries
2024-02-19 14:23:43.125 -03:00 [INF] Execution of http request to succeeded with “OK” after 0.13224539999999999 seconds and 0 retries
2024-02-19 14:23:43.126 -03:00 [ERR] Could not fetch invites
System.MissingMethodException: Método não encontrado: ‘Void GraphQL.Client.Http.GraphQLHttpClientOptions.set_WebSocketProtocol(System.String)’.
em Speckle.Core.Api.Client…ctor(Account account)
em DesktopUI2.ViewModels.AccountViewModel.get_Client()
em DesktopUI2.ViewModels.HomeViewModel.d__19.MoveNext()
2024-02-19 14:23:44.016 -03:00 [INF] Execution of http request to succeeded with “OK” after 1.0516937 seconds and 0 retries

I’ve already tried to reinstal Speckle connector for Revit and update Revit and Windows, but still had the same result.

What can I do to solve this? Is there something I’m missing, or some step I should have done to connect to the server?

Hey @Eholivo, thanks for the detailed report, judging from the error message, I think it could be due to a conflict with another Revit plugin.

It seems that the conflict has to do with our GraphQL library.

Are you able to look inside the existing addins folder and see if any is using a DLL with GraphQL in its name?

Once you find the addin/s, you should try disabling it and trying again. Let me know if you need more information on how to do so.

Hi, @teocomi!

Thank you for the quick answer.

It seems to have solved the problem!

I did what you’ve suggested and unninstalled some pluggins that wasn’t been used. I’m still making some tests, but I believe this situation will not happen again.

I still can’t send via “OneClick mode”, but I don’t see this as a problem.

Thanks again for the help and the ammazing job you’re doing with Speckle.

If I can help in something, let me know!

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What happens with One-click mode?

Hey, @jonathon

The message I received when trying to send via “OneClick Mode” is this:


Wich generate this log:


2024-02-20 15:53:16.380 -03:00 [ERR] Could not send with one click Referência de objeto não definida para uma instância de um objeto.
System.NullReferenceException: Referência de objeto não definida para uma instância de um objeto.
em DesktopUI2.ViewModels.OneClickViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.b__0(StreamState o)
em System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereListIterator1.MoveNext() em System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable1 source)
em DesktopUI2.ViewModels.OneClickViewModel.d__16.MoveNext()
— Fim do rastreamento de pilha do local anterior onde a exceção foi gerada —
em System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
em System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
em DesktopUI2.ViewModels.OneClickViewModel.d__15.MoveNext()
2024-02-20 15:53:16.384 -03:00 [FTL] Failed to create stream view model
System.NullReferenceException: Referência de objeto não definida para uma instância de um objeto.
em DesktopUI2.ViewModels.StreamViewModel…ctor(StreamState streamState, IScreen hostScreen, ICommand removeSavedStreamCommand)
2024-02-20 15:53:16.387 -03:00 [ERR] Failed to add saved stream Referência de objeto não definida para uma instância de um objeto.
System.NullReferenceException: Referência de objeto não definida para uma instância de um objeto.
em DesktopUI2.ViewModels.HomeViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass17_0.b__0(StreamViewModel x)
em System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate)
em DesktopUI2.ViewModels.HomeViewModel.AddSavedStream(StreamViewModel stream)

One thing that I think is worth to mention is that the file wich generated this warning has 85.74 KB and a lot of elements. As a experiment, I’ve also tried to send a 34.68 KB wich was sent normally.

I don’t understand much of coding but, by the log I see that there is a “object reference not defined”. Can this also be related to another pluggin, similar to the sitution @teocomi helped me before?

As I said, using the “Advanced Mode” is fine for me, as I like to have the settings to choose from :smile:. But it may be a issue for others and if there is any other test I can help with, let me know?

Thanks again

Thanks for the details and logs, Eduardo, the issue seems to be on our end this time - we’ll investigate!